About Us
Greater Works International Fellowship

Who We Are
Our Charge & Beliefs
Greater Works is a ministry birthed out of the heart of the Father for a time such as this. Our aim to empower people through the love, power, Word, and presence of God to live daily experiencing the realities of Heaven being made manifest in their lives. We will raise up a family of believers that will live boldly and purposefully before the world, while glorifying Jesus. We expect miracles, signs, and wonders to follow us according to Mk16:17-18. Though our mandate is great, our method is simple; preaching Jesus, the love of God, and His Kingdom. Leading people into a love encounter that impacts the total triune being of a man. We fully embrace the Great Commission; through partnering with the HOLY SPIRIT, to bring the light of JESUS into dark places, and to see generations saved through a body of believers that burn with the love of the FATHER.
Our History
It happened as they were driving, now about three hours pass Dallas, that the Lord spoke the very first word to them on Texas soil...”Houston Shall Be Saved.” Not fully certain that he had heard the through his emotional turbulence, due to leaving everything he loved and knew behind, the Lord graciously spoke a second time, that Houston Shall Be Saved. It’s true that many times as believers we hold on to certain promises, and they yield encouragement and breakthrough into our lives. Then there are times that words, and promises hold on to us. The latter was the case in the life of our pastors.
They had abandoned everything that they knew, and set out to move to a city that they had not known. At the time, Elijah was 17 months old, and Pastor Sadjah was about five months pregnant with Nehemiah. The three journeyed out to Houston, bearing a love for this city, and a desire to see it come into Divine alignment.
After spending time surveying the land, and getting settled into their new city, Pastors Shawn and Sadjah launched out to begin the ministry of Greater Works International Fellowship. They began in the Marriott hotel on the west end of Houston. On the first Sunday of March 2016, they held their very first Sunday service. Though there was many in attendance, the ministry began with just four other people. Over the course of the six months that they utilized the hotel, they seen God bring many people to Himself, and even perform some incredible miracles. Being a people that believes in contending for covenant, we seen some amazing things. Knowing the primary mandate is the raise up a prophetic people that are strong in the Word, and administrators of the Kingdom; the Lord has drew an amazing group of people together that would ensure a strong representation of Christ in this region.
In September of 2016, Greater Works moved into its own facility, where they currently hold services, and are continuing on this incredible faith journey. The mandate that Houston ShallBe Saved, continues to push them to reach every sector of this city with the radical love of Jesus, which comes to redeem mankind, no matter how low or far they may seem to be. The ministry has continued to organically grow, while ensuring that they body grows strong, and not just fast. Though this is a young story, it’s one that we’re building to reach many generations. It’s obvious that the hand of God is upon GW, and it would be our esteemed privilege to have you to come worship with us.